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My Songs are Out There May 8, 2010

Just recently, I sent 6 of my songs to a Music Education website.  The songs were accepted and are now available for download.  You can also purchase the sheet music for the following songs.

Sing a Song of Canada is a musical journey across Canada and also talks about Canadian history.

First Among Equals is a song that lists the names all 22 of Canada’s prime ministers in melody.

Ballad of Sir John A. is a musical biography of Canada’s first prime minister.

Can Can Canada names all the provinces, territories and their capital cities to the tune of the Can Can.

The Puffin Party tells the seasonal life cycle of Newfoundland’s provincial bird.

My Dewlap is the life cycle of the moose.  By  the way, do you know what a dewlap is?  Check out my website for the answer.

If you are looking for songs that are fun for learning, check these out!!  You can find them at Songs for Teaching.

The songbook is being distributed by Leslie Music Supply.


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